
Liar's Boon



6 Years
09-07-2015, 05:18 PM

Liar has some off-site litters. So I wanna see if I'd have any luck adopting them out. These kids are more Walkers if people aren't aware of the various ones running around the site with various last names xD Anyway, some of these kids have a basic personality I'd like them to go towards. I'll provide designs later or you can try to design your own. If you wanna go another direction on the personality please throw idea's into Liar's pm.

Amber's Kids

Amber was a rape victim of Liar, daughter of the best friend of Rivaxorus Walker -So Allen Walker in Abaven would have had a previous connection with her or knowledge at least. These two kids it's up to you whether they feel bitter towards their father or not.

Terrik Renata - Male - 2 yrs old.
Terrik is supposed to be the calm older brother type compared to his sister. Very level headed and happy most of the time, he tries to hide his nervousness and weakness. Essentially "fake smiling" a lot.

Ricky Renata - Female - 2 yrs old.
Rowdy and very very outspoken. Ricky can be a bit bitchy when she wants to be, you mess with her brother and she'll rip you a new one. On the inside she only wants to be treated normally rather than feared.


Liar is not blood related to the original walkers. Arrow being one of his cousins through adoption was his slave for some time. However after she had his kid she upt and left. She was not in a big portion of this kids life. Liar was always there for this kid.

Quezar Walker - Male - 2 yrs.
I'm gonna be picky on Quezar's personality. He's essentially the son that grew up to dislike his mother because she was not in his life. Liar as a "single" father raised Quezar, so much like him he knows how to hide his emotions having a blank stare kind of feel to it. He's a very smart boy, but a bit kinder than Liar may be. He's a gentleman but other than that you can choose him.


Nice was Liar's wife that he actually loved. She didn't get attached to others easily and their relationship left a scar when she went missing. Liar also assumed his daughter by her to also be missing. Nice had trouble getting pregnant. So this daughter should be a little smaller than the average one.

Babel Walker - Female - 1yr.
There is no set still for her personality. Nice and Liar loved each other, and until she was about three seasons old they had a joint effort in loving and raising her. So she could be a bit like Liar or not like liar. However Nice had trouble getting pregnant due to her DNA so Babel may have low fertility as well and may be small.


Appearance: Picture is optional, I will put up design idea's later.
Relationship with Liar:
Roleplay sample: You can have them interacting with Liar if you want.

Walker Kids with Adopters

This character can be very unpredictable and cruel, you have been warned.