
Avalon vs Ravine



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
09-08-2015, 12:24 AM

Well, he wasn't much for words was he? That was fine, she figured he wanted to get straight to the literal punch. She watched as the male mirrored her defenses, and swiftly she set herself ready. Ears remained pinned against her crown, eyes narrowed, hackles bristled along her spine, her head and tail aligned perfectly with her spine, toes splayed, the woman tucked her chin and lowered her head to protect her throat, shoulders rolled forward to protect the sides of her neck, and her scruff followed suit as it bunched with her movement. Gaze followed Ravine as he slowly circled over to her right side--his left--before he launched an attack. He was quick to the punch, his teeth flying towards her body but she would be quick on her feet. The taller woman attempted to move her body into his--chest lined up with chest-- as he came at her, rising upon her hind legs as her forelegs sought to wrap around the man's neck. Left foreleg would aim to wrap around the right side of his neck and right foreleg aimed to wrap around the left side of his neck as she attempted to bear hug him. Due to her raised position, her hind legs would widen to support her weight and aid in balance, toes spreading as he hind claws dug into the ground for traction. His intended bite would land elsewhere instead of his intended location, instead teeth sunk into the fatty rolls on the side of her neck just above her shoulder.

She growled with discomfort as he attained no more then a mouthful of fur and fat, his teeth puncturing the skin though the damage would be mild. And now it would be her turn. Shifting her upper body weight, she attempted to drag his body to the ground, a tactic she had never used before but had decided to want to try something different. To use her larger size and weight to her advantage, she half pushed with her chest and right foreleg in an attempt to wrestle him to the ground. Simultaneously, jaws opened as she sought to grasp the back of his neck within her jaws, just above his shoulders and use the pressure from her teeth to further wrangle the man down, and perhaps cause a moderate amount of pain as well.

~Fight Stats~

Avalon versus Ravine for Spar

Round/Move: 1/3

Defenses:  Ears remained pinned against her crown, eyes narrowed, hackles bristled along her spine, her head and tail aligned perfectly with her spine, toes splayed, the woman tucked her chin and lowered her head to protect her throat, shoulders rolled forward to protect the sides of her neck, and her scruff bunched. hind legs would widen to support her weight and aid in balance, toes spreading as he hind claws dug into the ground for traction.

Attacks: Attempting to wrestle Ravine to the ground; seeking to bite behind his neck just above the shoulders.

Injuries: Mild puncture wounds to side of neck.

Out Of Character Notes:


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