
Waiting to Heal



3 Years
09-08-2015, 03:39 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Miksa's shoulder had long since stopped hurting him, but he still caught himself favoring his left foreleg as he traveled the length of the Sunset Falls. Realizing it again - the second time that day - he sighed in exasperation, adjusted his stride, and purposefully set about putting his weight on it. No pain, no ache, answered the movement, and yet it still seemed difficult for him to fully accept that he was healed. The pain that had seared through the joint during the fight and the wrenching ache that had lingered after had apparently left a deeper imprint on his mind than he had imagined, and it was taking some considerable effort to convince himself he could trust the limb again. Of course, the ease of movement should have been enough, but Miksa was a cautious sort by nature and thoroughly averse to causing himself unneeded pain.

Which made it a wonder, despite his nervousness over the damage he had taken to his shoulder and jaw, that he was even more determined to hone his fighting skills now than he had been before the raid. The raid had been terrifying, yes, and he had come away broken and sore and defeated...but the pack had been grateful. He had seen it in the proud smiles of his alphas, and knew it in the promotion he had been given. He might not have been the best fighter - yet - but he intended to better himself and make himself a tougher opponent for next time.

Just as soon as his jaw healed. The scars on his left forepaw had all but been forgotten just days after he had received them, and his shoulder had been able to support his weight again for weeks, but the tearing that had been done to his jaw was still tender. Thanks to the pack's healers, in particular the blunt and stoic Sorrel, it was healing well, but Miksa wanted a full, clean bill of health before he jumped back into the metaphorical ring again. It was weird, balancing between an itch to practice his strength and a strong desire for his wounds to heal before he did. Wounds would heal only so fast, though, and the white wolf was currently practicing patience, something he had never thought to lack but that seemed surprisingly just out of reach at the moment.

Experimentally, he scrunched up the left side of his face as he walked, tugging at the wound and feeling the dull, answering discomfort. Not pain, per se, but it still was not quite back to normal yet. How long before it'll be fully healed? he wondered to himself, pondering silently as he continued to traverse the woods by the falls.