
Avalon vs Ravine



9 Years
09-08-2015, 07:09 PM

The man hadn't wanted to talk, he wanted to learn. Right now they were each other's teacher, though he was sure she was more his teacher than he was hers, he needed to and wanted to concentrate on the task at hand. He had a mate now and she was his top priority, right along with the pack they were apart of, and he couldn't protect either one if he couldn't fight. The word concentrate echoed through Ravine's mind as his teeth sank into the fatty rolls of Avalon's scrunched neck. At the same time he tasted blood upon his tongue from her mild punctures, the woman had raised up on her hind legs only to wrap her forelegs around his throat in a bear hug. Instantly he would reset his base as he felt his own blood would wet the long thick fur on the back of his neck.

Avalon had made purchase to the back of his neck leaving punctures that were only a bit deeper into the fatty scruff than what he had done to her. The mildness of his wounds were to be credited to his Russian father who had passed his thick fur coat down to Ravine not to mention that was the fattest part of the man. A wince would cross his features and a small growl would escape as the black and white male would push himself forward and up so that they were both on their hind legs and so that she couldn't force him to the ground. He was smaller that her by at least four inches and fifteen or more pounds lighter than her but his job was to hunt things bigger than himself.

His ears would remain pinned, his tail flagged out to help him keep his balance and his hind legs were set for balance as well. His neck would scrunch up not only to get a better attack angle but also to keep Avalon from getting a better purchase on his scruff. His front paws would raise up to try and press against and tear at her lower ribcage and stomach while he angled and forced his opened jaws toward the bend in her right foreleg where her leg connected to her shoulder.

Attack: His forelegs are out stretched to press and claw at Avalon's lower ribcage and stomach while he attempts to bite down on the bend in her right front leg where it connects to her shoulder.

Defense: His ears are flat against his skull his back legs are set for balance and his tail is held out for balance as well. His neck also scrunched up to help keep Avalon from getting a better grip.

Injuries: Punctures on the back of his neck in his fatty scruff. Mild but a bit deeper than Avalon's punctures as he hadn't had his neck scrunched when she made her purchase.

Round: 2/3
