
Is It Time Yet?



11 Years
Dragon Mod
09-08-2015, 10:05 PM

An heir she said? He wondered what made her think that, she didn't appear to be that old...though perhaps it was due to her crippled leg. Did she not think herself capable? He wouldn't know, he didn't know for how long this pack had been around, nor how long it would last. He was merely a passerby, not using the pack, but it would give him something to do until he figured it out. "Hm? You don't seem that old, in fact I might even be older then you. What makes you think you need an heir anytime soon?" A simple and honest question. But he wouldn't question others on the things they did, simply wanted to know what was behind their reasoning. He wasn't easily predictable, if at all, but others motives he could predict and judging by her character of which he knew little of, perhaps she wanted an heir that would succeed in areas she failed in. It was a passing thought, soon to flee from his mind.

She explained to him the normal routine for new members, the male stared lazily out at the rippling waters making no indication that he'd heard her. He wouldn't move nor say a word even after he finished, leaving her hanging for a long minute. "I wouldn't want any special treatment just because I'm a relative. Where's the honor in that?" He somewhat looked her way, glancing at her from the corner of his eye. "I don't boast about my abilities, so it's no trouble proving myself. But seeing as how this is pack related, why not fight the former mentor if there was one? Surely that's the best way as opposed to fighting some stranger not involved with us, don't you think?" His voice sounded lazy, a hint of interest in his voice at the muse. It would be more sensible, but alpha's word was the final say. He wasn't dumb, if anything he was smarter then he should be, and whether that was some good or bad luck on his part, well...only his past could say.