
Avalon vs Ravine



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
09-08-2015, 11:17 PM

Her strike would hit it's mark, blood tingling on her tongue and it was a mild shock to the woman. Never had she thought that she would draw blood from another, but this wasn't a serious fight and only practice. She had to remember that. Her ears remained pinned to her head, her eyes kept narrowed while the hackles along her spine kept rising. Her tail tucked at this moment in the event that he would try to go for the sensitive appendage, her abdomen tightened as her scruff rolled and bunched against the back of her neck, shoulders rolled forward to keep protecting the sides of her neck while a snarl ripped through her wrinkled muzzle. Hind toes remained splayed for balance as did her toes dig into the ground to keep herself grounded. All the while her hind legs were spread, weight distributed as best as she could in the position she was in.

He would raise himself as well, though she wasn't sure how he would try to find purchase as her forelegs were wrapped firmly around his neck. At this moment, she sought to bunny hop towards him, striving to shove the male back and away as his blunt claws scratched down her chest. She hissed with annoyance at the light welts, like a dozen or so mosquitoes had bitten her skin, but his claws would do no real damage through her thick fur. Like him, she had acquired her thick fur from her father, a Northern wolf born and bred. She would release his scruff, jaws splayed open as she tilted her head to her left in an attempt to intercept his jaws. She wouldn't be quick enough, however, as his teeth closed upon her right fore leg just above her elbow. She growled incessantly as she felt his teeth puncture her skin and muscle about an inch deep. She felt the warmth of her blood trickle from the wound, though it hurt, she didn't want to give up her hold around his neck just yet. He hadn't attempted to pull away, so she would strive to keep a firm hold and potentially control his head and restrict his movements.

Her head would snake forward then, open jaws seeking to find purchase upon his top jaw. Upper canines sought to grip on the right side of his top muzzle while lower canines sought to wrap against the left side of his upper jaw. Her aim was to apply enough pressure to force him to let go, and if he refused then she would bite harder to make him submit or back off. Should she fail in that endeavor, she hoped at least that she could give him a few good nicks upon his muzzle. She couldn't do much else but try to give him a good bite as she refused to let him go, refused to give him any distance willingly unless he decided to move away.

~Fight Stats~

Avalon versus Ravine for Spar

Round/Move:  2/3

Injuries: Mild puncture wounds to side of neck; moderate puncture wounds about an inch deep on upper right foreleg just above the elbow.


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