
Blank Space



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
09-09-2015, 12:29 AM

She hadn't expected the voice at all, her form jumping slightly as her hackles raised for a moment. Head whipped around to see who it was that approached, and she would find in her presence, a cobalt male she had not met before. She rose to a sitting position, cheeks flushing. Had he heard her? How long had he been standing there? Her fur lied flat again as she looked him over. He was handsome, that was a given. He seemed rather young, strong, smart. But all that cast aside, she responded. "I-I'm fine, thanks." The beta studied him a moment longer, her senses concentrated more on her heat and the nervousness within her that she hadn't immediately detected the strong musk of Imperium on him. When she finally realized this, her hackles rose again. What was he doing here? Had he been on his way to spy on Sonticus again? Almost immediately, she drew the covers over her face, features changing from embarrassed and unsure to nervous and defensive. Granted she didn't know him, but if Arian had found out that she had run across an enemy, well...she wasn't sure what would happen.

She rose to her paws, movements a little stiff as she kept on her guard. Imperium was known for hostility, or at least...that's what she had perceived so far. She knew they had invaded their former land and committed adultery where pups could have seen them, and Arian had said who it was but in all honesty, Avalon herself didn't know exactly whose scent belonged to whom. "You're from Imperium...on your way to spy on Sonticus again?" Normally, Avalon herself wasn't always so hostile, but she guessed that Arian's nerves were rubbing off on her. She wasn't weak, she would fight for what she wanted, what she believed in. Arian's enemies for the time being were her enemies...but then again...the only true enemies she had ever had were the wolves who had captured her in Amenti. She didn't believe in having enemies unless they did her direct harm.

She kept her gaze on the man, wondering if he was as hostile as the pack she knew to be so. Or perhaps it was a select few that were? No. They were all the same. Inconsiderate, bullies who committed crimes against others...weren't they? And if this situation wasn't bad enough, she felt conflicted. He hadn't immediately attacked her upon approach, instead he had asked her if she was alright...was she filled with biased thoughts based on what her Alphess had said? Instead of making her own judgment? Doubt flickered within her mind, she supposed she would have to see for herself. And if matters weren't already bad enough, her lingering heat scent made her more edgy. If this man tried anything, she would rip him a new one for sure...or die to protect her values.


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