



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
09-09-2015, 04:04 AM

Her lips would purse when she noticed Arian's reaction about mentioning her heat, more in embarrassment then anything. She felt her cheeks grow hot as embarrassment flooded her body, her seasonal condition wasn't something she openly told anyone about, but whether she said it or not, her scent would give it away regardless. But she hid it as best she could whenever she was near water, the only relief she had every year when it rolled around. She wasn't sure if there were herbs she could use to lessen the tension and scent of her heat, but if there was she had yet to figure them out. Arian would mention Surreal, and for some reason that name rung vaguely in her memory but she couldn't quite put a name to a face..."I guess I'm not the only one who does this." She gazed down at the water, a sudden sadness that took hold of her, sitting within the pits of her empty heart. "You're lucky, Arian. You have a beautiful family." She looked at her, a smile lifting her mood as she cast a quick glance at Arian's laughing children. A beautiful family indeed. She wished she had what others had...Someone to love, a family of her own. But fate had other plans for her.

"If the feeling gets worse. You'll tell me okay?" Avalon noted the concern in her friends eyes, nodding in confirmation. Of course she would, Arian was the only healer that she trusted with her life. She watched as Arian took a deep breath, was she going to tell her now? "Well for one thing...." The woman listened quietly, nodding at the appropriate times as Arian explained the new ranks and laws, as well as what the pack would be like now. It was all interesting, and at the mention of her becoming Sonticus' beta, her eyes lit up as her tail wagged, splashing in and out of the water. She was honored that Arian trusted her so much for this, her smile growing wider with the excitement. She would hold her tongue until she was finished, "I think it's a wonderful idea Arian! And thank you, I promise I won't let you down!" She took in a breath, the woman sitting taller now as she felt proud with her new position. Looking back at the children, she knew they would grow up to be fine leaders if they so chose. "If you'd like, I can help in their training to prepare them for the future. It's all a wonderful idea! I'm sure the pack will be delighted to hear this. And if not, then they can take a dive in the lake to wake up." She was joking of course.

"And.... I was thinking..... maybe I could adopt you into the family... last name and everything as my sister." She had not been expecting that at all. Honestly, she was caught by surprise when Arian said it. Her? An Adravendi? Her father had once been friends with the family, or so she recalled. Her heart swelled with happiness! Arian was to be her sister, she would at last belong to a family name, and she would finally have a family again! She could not contain her excitement, her words choked out as she fought back the overbearing flood of happiness and excitement. "Arian, I would be honored!"


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