
Not How I Wanted This To Go



7 Years

09-09-2015, 11:35 PM (This post was last modified: 09-10-2015, 12:19 PM by Evelyn.)

Bass knew that he needed to talk to the girl. He had been ignoring it for awhile, plus trying to get on his packs ass about getting up and doing something had left him rather busy. Letting out a long sigh, he rose to his paws and jumped off of his perch on top of his den. Careful not to crush the blue flower that Finch had placed there, he peeked in to tell the shy girl where he was going. She asked to come with him, but the Azat turned her down. This was something that he needed to do with just the two of them, although he was pleased that Finch had made a friend outside of her family. Nuzzling her softly he walked away, searching for the girls scent.

It didn't take long before he found a faint trail, following it all the way back to the girls den. He saw her laying there, and was shocked to hear some Italian words leave her mouth. "Who taught you that?" he asked, a single brow raised as he paused a few paces away from her head. Their family used Italian to communicate, and he was curious to why Mira's daughter knew a few words. He paused for only a moment though, his tail sitting idly at his hocks. "We have much to talk about Lillie, but first let me welcome you to Abaven."

Another sigh left the man's maw, ears flickering as he felt a touch of awkwardness brush against him. "First off, your mother. Is she well?" Even though she had left his pack twice, the second without so much as a word, he did still care for the woman. Gods knew why. He wanted to know if she faired well though, and if she was still lingering around Alacrita. "And second of all, I think you might have guessed that I was told everything that transpired between you and Vana." Fixing the girl with his firm golden gaze, he paused for a moment, but otherwise his body was relaxed. "Now the fight was between you and Evangeline, I do not wish to scold you for that. I spoke to Valentine and he thinks the same thing, that it was between you girls and should need no intervention on our part. However, the fact that Vaio had followed you outside of pack lands is not acceptable. She is young and blind, and could have gotten herself killed. You need to watch your tail when you leave pack lands." He kept his level gaze on her, taking a breath to make sure she understood. He was not talking to her like a child, but like he would any pack member in trouble. It may sound a bit like scolding, but the man couldn't help it. His intentions were to not treat her like a whelp, she was old enough to know and understand pack laws and boundaries. "Speaking of you leaving pack lands, I have hear and seen that you have been spending more time outside of Abaven than within it. I know that Allen is busy with his young, but that does not mean that you cannot approach him about training. It is a two way street Lillie, and you must put in more effort if you wish to do well within this pack."