
Not How I Wanted This To Go



7 Years

09-10-2015, 12:12 AM (This post was last modified: 09-10-2015, 12:20 AM by Lillianna.)

Words reached her ears, and the girl jerked, ears flattening. She... had not heard a thing. Or smelled anything. How was that possible? She wasn't dozing off that much, was she? And... Italian? She had spoken Italian? Craaap. She didn't mean to, she was just thinking of the words! Ears still flattened, she sat up in a hurry, stammering out the reply, "U-uhh S-S-Starling." Green eyes glanced away, and stayed that way even with the greeting. She had a bad feeling about this conversation already - and she was right, with his next words.

Ears less pressed against her skull, but clearly showing her uncomfortableness. One of those ears flicked at the question, and she shook her head. "I do not know." There was nothing more than that: she truly had no clue; she had not seen head nor tail nor even a hair or whisper of her mother since nearly a year prior. Sometimes she wondered, but more often than not she simply... didn't. It was hard to even understand herself, why she was okay with her mother gone, okay after her adoptive parents' deaths. She was, however.

Ears once more flattened all the way at the mention of Vana, and a hard, icy expression settled over features. Green eyes rose to meet yellow, icy flint meeting that firm authoritative gaze. A curt nod was all Bass got in response; she understood that. Clearly. It was made very obvious by Motif, who didn't even give a damn. Lips almost lifted in a snarl as her eyes flashed, with luck, she was able to keep that snarl down, forcing it deep within her. Even if Bass noticed it... it wouldn't be hard to guess that the anger was not directed at him at all.

Claws flexed into the ground as the man continued speaking, and she nodded again, though in a much less curt fashion. What was being said was true, though more true of the past than now. She wished it were true now; however... Bass was also right. Her tense muscles relaxing somewhat - they had tensed at the thought of Motif - and she nodded once more, decisively. Taking a deep breath to calm herself more, she finally responded with words. "I understand. I will approach Allen once more." There was no point in arguing why she was spending more time outside - with her frustration, she would not be able to put it into words.


Note: Lillie has scars over her right eye and down her cheek. She also has scars under her chin and on her jaw. Her tables and art will most likely not reflect this. Unless it is specified otherwise, assume Lillianna is accompanied by her companion.