
A Flower For The Lady



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
09-10-2015, 02:27 AM (This post was last modified: 10-30-2015, 11:42 PM by Avalon.)

The morning sun had risen, and Avalon set out in the early morning light before everyone else woke up. Leaving her den near wolfpaw lake, she climbed the rise to do a bit of exploring, a task she'd taken to doing now that they were in the warmer climate. The west was beautiful, but her lack of interest in wanting to explore the deserts would drive her more often to the south to see what else the lands had to offer. She'd taken to exploring quite a few places now, and with new neighbors, she also wanted to know who was around and if they were friend or foe. She knew Imperium lied in the South, so the woman would steer clear of their packlands for the time being until she was sure she could handle herself in a fight should one of them decide to cause trouble. Her opinions on them were biased, however, going mostly by what Arian said about them and the fact they had trespassed into the home where Sonticus resided not too long ago.

But today, it would be forgotten as she races across the flat lands to a new place unknown to her. The wind brushed through her fur, the dame taking a thrill in stretching her legs for once. She was happy, things were looking up in Sonticus with her new position and the changes in the pack. Now that she was the beta, it was also her duty to find allies and keep Sonticus in the good graces of others along with plenty of other responsibilities, she felt needed for once. No longer a shell of her former self, instead she had prevailed. And she relished in that fact. As the sun peeked over the mountains in the East, she would slow her pace as she came to a slow stop among a field of various plants and flowers. The scents here were many, and they were pleasant giving her a high that made her ecstatic. Surely nobody could be sad being here, it was much too beautiful. Walking through the gulley, she would see many different plants in all shapes, sized, and colors. She wondered what kinds of things one could find here, though surely this was a healers paradise as well. Panting with the effort from running, the older lady stopped by a large red flower. Though she had no idea what it was, the smell that came off of it was very pleasing to the senses. She figured she might end up staying here for the remainder of the day to see what she could discover!

"Talk" "You" Think


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