
I keep trying to find me



5 Years
09-10-2015, 04:55 AM

Donostrea was alive with happenings, little paws of joy scampering and frolicking along the beach. Terrae did his best to play his role, occasionally checking on the adorable children and the mother that had brought them to the world, receiving the same response each time - perfect health. All was seemingly well. Since his tutor was preoccupied with the less experienced healer of the pack, the more advanced healer found a large chunk of his following day empty without much plan. So after completing more highly prioritised duties, he embarked on yet another exploration away from his pack, dragging a stubborn hedgehog along with him. It had been a while since he had taken the day off; a break for his companion and himself, though he did hope they would become more frequent as his lessons brought him more medicinal knowledge. With the last session fresh in his mind, he planned to use his wanderings as a way to find the aforementioned herbs and berries. Accompanied with the prime season of summer, the earthen male set out along an unfamiliar route in the hopes of discovering regions more promising in flora, though if unsuccessfully he could always stop over at neighbouring areas that he knew bloomed the adequate plants he desired.

His lumbering limbs brought him to a mystical territory where tranquil willow trees grazed the soft earth and streams ran intricately alongside his halted paws. There didn't seem to be as many herbs in this area as he had hoped for, though the sight and atmosphere was too alluring for him to ignore. It was the wafting beauty that had summoned him, so he peacefully sauntered around the woods, weaving through the delicate trees with the calming trickling of the water in the background. He wouldn't spend long here; some time had to be allocated towards actually finding herbs though until then he would bathe in the splendid serenity that encompassed his form.

"Terrae speech" "Silvius speech"

*Family are allowed to enter any of Terrae's threads whether they're private or not*