
Dirty Paws


04-11-2013, 02:21 AM
Her eyes were closed. The world was still for just one fleeting moment. Everything that was demanded of her was floating away with the pulling waters. They felt so refreshing against her swollen body. The pups seemed content to rest as she felt the water ease the weight of them. A little bird cawed into her ear. It flicked in response, as she was certain it wouldn?t leave if she didn?t knowledge it?s chirping voice. She cracked a lid to view a brown and black little sparrow. Her words had almost been dismissed but she was a queen now. It was rude to ignore potential pack mates. Not that this, her violet eyes roved to the other, these wolves were fit to live with in her harsh kingdom but any prospect needed to be treated accordingly.

She lifted her heavy velvet gray head from her paws to look the lady in the eyes. She was a large creature but nothing in comparison to her behemoth figure. She dwarfed the female by a considerable 6 inches in height and a good hundred pounds in girth. The water dripped from her chin and her ears twitched as she looked towards the other female who had called. She was again the same size as the other and still she dwarfed that female as well. She remained in the cool confines of the water but listened as the name crossed the air. Eos was the female?s name. She had moved away from the rather hyper female and stopped to look at her. Her violet eyes blinked in response to the words. Well, wasn?t she all rainbows and butterflies.

?By all means, leave if it suits you.? She said dismissively. It was no skin off her nose if the little brat wanted to leave. She had no place in her kingdom for disrespectful little girls. She had a clan of assassins to run. Hard wolves that knew what weakness really meant. Who knew the word loyalty and had no thoughts of betrayal. This wolf would never make it in her homeland. Surly she would scream and protest to the enslavement that was becoming a normalcy in their kingdom. ?As for you.? She said towards the slightly hyper female. She knew the girl merely wanted to have a simple conversation. That wasn?t much to ask. ?Come here so I am look at you. It is uncomfortable to stretch my neck to look at you.? She said softly, the other female was still in her line of sight. If she felt like shaking her rudeness away then perhaps they could learn a bit about each other. Other wise she could keep on walking and keep to herself but she would find her again.

ooc: sorry for the wait. and sorry for newt being slightly rude to Eos. she's tired and cranky.