


09-10-2015, 01:39 PM
Was it the season? Was it his age? What was it that happened to eat at his very soul? Allen would let out a soft sigh, curled up beside his family. Nona had been a bit on the ill side, so he had quarantined her and the little ones. Depression had formed in his chest, perhaps because of the fact that Nona was ill and her worried for her. Wasn't that natural though, to worry for the ones that you loved? Heck, even little Alna and Noen weren't so lively. It made the man worry deeply for them.

Allen would rise from the den, giving a gentle lick to Nona's head before crossing outside. The morning was warm, promising a hot day as time went on. The calico gentleman would pad on, leaving the den behind as he traveled throughout the lands of Abaven. He had no real destination in mind, though his heart told him to seek out Bass. A heavy sigh would pass his lips before Allen came to a stop, closing his eyes.

What was he going to do if he lost his family?