
even if the morrow is barren of promise


04-11-2013, 02:37 AM

The joke was indeed amusing. She allowed the soft chuckle to escape her dark lips. It was an odd sound. It was a sincere sound rather then her usual stark barking laugh that could rub anyone the wrong way. She allowed the mirth to show in her expression as she responded, ?It would be a trying thing for my mind to endure but I?d find a way to know them all.? She said honestly. What ghost had said had struck her to the heart and she would be that alpha. The one who knew them all and care for them all, even if they cared not for her.

He spoke of losing his family. Her ears fell back in respond. She had lost everyone. Not just her family. Some days she thought she had never had anyone to begin with. That she had all but imagined them all to sooth her lonely mind. Even now she was constantly second guessing herself. Was it all real? Did she truly rule a realm? It was all so odd to her. Yet hope was not lost and she had found hope too. It was nuzzled in the depths of her body and the owner of the donation still lingered by her. In truth they were mates but he was free to be with whomever he desired as she would if she pleased it. Not that she thought she would. If she were honest with herself then she would know she was a romantic at heart.

?My home is being forged by new blood.? She said happily. She had never thought the idea of being a mother would interest her. Yet here she was carrying who knew how many children and already she was protective over them. ?My children will learn what it?s like to have a family. A true family. I may be harsh and strict but I have my reasons and I hope they all understand. That I am the way I am for all of them.? She said almost sadly. How many loved a wolf that was strict on rules and kept to the law, Even if it was hard, good leaders made the hard choices, the ones no one ever wanted to make and there would never be a thing she would ask of her wolves that she wouldn?t do for herself.

?Your family is welcome in my realm Lovatt, if you wish it. You are not required to become a thing of the dark. Not a dark thing but one that can become one with the shadows and do what needs to be done. Only a deep select few will hold those roles but we have many more things to give wolves purpose.? She said with a smile. It seemed she was offering her home to many. She had yet to meet many of the other alphas that roamed the realm. Perhaps they stayed locked away in their assigned kingdoms. ?Just know if you join it is not an imprisonment. You and your family may come and go as you please. As all my wolves may do so long as you come when requested.? She did not say demanded. She would not demand anything from her wolves but she would hope when she called then they would come.