
Self Destruct Personality


09-10-2015, 03:23 PM
I'm still comparing your past to my future.
It might be your wound but they're my sutures.

Ooc; The rustyness is real.

The dark silvered lady could care less of what bickering was going on between these wolves here, however it seemed she had joined and been drafted to a team. Oh well, as long those fangs got to sink them selves into someones flesh. Ears shifted forward as two seem to pick their targets and it wasn't long before the man to her right and a dame across were going at it. Thus she moved aside, allowing them the room they needed as those eyes shifted over the ones left to target.

The odd black and purple one proved to grab the silvered dames attention and so Calypso shifted into those defenses, bending those legs as she centered her gravity by lowering closer to the ground. Those ears pinned back against her skull, while those eyes narrowed and her lips puled back into a silent snarl. Her hackles raised and that fur bristled as her head lowered to protect other vital areas of her body. Calypso debated about attacking first or allowing this one to act before she did, but alas the silvered lady preferred the element of surprise. Thus the women charged forth at Cascade. Side stepping to the right (left of Cascade) in an attempt at a body slam, with that head held low Calypso would aim for a quick grab of the women's neck at the right side (her left). Her own right paw would raise at an attempt to slam on top of Cascade's nearest front paw (left front paw).

Sin, Amachi, Calypso VS Birna, Cascade, Mercy
For Spar.

Round 1/2.