
Avalon vs Ravine



9 Years
09-10-2015, 04:57 PM

 Once again the man would feel blood flow over his tongue and teeth as he bit into Avalon's flesh. It didn't take the man long to decide he didn't like the taste of another wolf's blood, he was sure it was just the thought of it and not the actual taste. Either way, he wouldn't make a hobby out of fighting like this. This was his first fight, or spar, but it was the only thing needed to show him that being a warrior was definitely not something he wanted. As the woman bunny hopped forward he could feel no blood on his paws which could mean only one thing. He didn't cut her skin open with his claws.

Just as Ravine would pull his head back from her right leg to maneuver his jaws toward her left leg only to pull back again as Avalon's jaws began closing around his upper jaw. In pulling back the man had to put his front paws back on the ground to keep from toppling over backward. The moment his paws hit the ground he would quickly back up to free is muzzle from her. He could feel her teeth cut through the skin on both sides of his muzzle as he pulled away.

The moment his upper jaw was free from her grip Ravine would drop his nose and close his eyes as they watered. His ears would remain flattened and his shoulders would hunch just before he ran forward into her in an attempt to headbutt her in the face.

Attack: Ravine is attempting to headbutt Avalon in the face

Defense: His ears are flat against his skull and his shoulder's are bunched up to protect the back of his neck

Injuries: Punctures on the back of his neck in his fatty scruff. Mild but a bit deeper than Avalon's punctures as he hadn't had his neck scrunched when she made her purchase. Cuts along both sides of his upper jaw just before his nose

Round: 3/3
