
You Wear A Crown But You're No King



10 Years
Dragon Mod
09-10-2015, 09:10 PM

He trailed behind his father with a giddy step. Excitement crackled in the air between him and his siblings, his fur stood on end as if electrified by it. He couldn't contain the grin that plastered itself on his maw, teeth glinting in the early light as he quickly trotted in between Forsaken and Paradox. Golden gaze kept on his father, though occasionally scanned the fields around them as the group walked. They had been told of this plan the night prior, something that had apparently been on the sire's mind for sometime. It made Enigma shudder with anticipation, and he hoped against all hope that they would succeed...and maybe he could wet his teeth with the blood of someone else who dared stand against them. He hoped it would happen, then that meant he and his siblings could have some fun.

The group would stop in the center of the battlefield, amber eyes watched as his father took a few steps ahead of them before turning his attention towards them to tell them not to distract him. Oh, they wouldn't dare distract him from something so important..."Of course father, but trouble always finds us. Just concentrate on your task, we can handle our own if need be." And of course, that would be true. The trio had trained plenty, and if it came down to it, they wouldn't go down without a fight. He sorely hoped that he could tag team with his brother and sister on someone else, but he wouldn't mind taking on someone on his own either. The possibilities could be endless should they get the opportunity. But for now, they would wait as Sin sent out a summons for the leaders that were being challenged, and once again, the shivers wracked his body as anticipation took hold.

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