
You Never Know Who You Might Bump Into



7 Years
09-10-2015, 09:32 PM (This post was last modified: 09-10-2015, 09:34 PM by Surreal.)
Surreal Adravendi

Surreal padded along the old border, eyes alert, ears turning and listening, her nose to the wind. Ever moving, ever active. If she sat still for any long period of time, she could feel her body pulsing; one point in particular, and it was driving her up the wall. She found it easier to avoid Falk than to be around him, and by now, it wasn’t even because of the whole thing about Amalia and he possibly creating a litter together. She had made the decision not to have another litter, but she wasn’t sure she could keep to that decision if she was within touching distance of her mate. She had been sure to assure him that this time it wasn’t because she was pissed at him. She still slept mostly in Alsander’s old den, on nights when the urges got too vicious. On the nights she did sleep in the alcove of Erani’s old den with the rest of her family, she put her younger two between herself and Falk as a buffer. Touches from her children didn’t set her on fire, and smelling Falk only affected her enough to make her dreams very… saucy.

Soaking in the streams had issued some relief. Sometimes the only relief to be found. She was determined to patrol, however, and ensure that Liar Walker and Sin Armada’s scents weren’t anywhere they shouldn’t, in her mind, be. So far, no more fresh spores. That was perfectly fine with her. As she came to the point where the stream flowed over the border, she wasted no time in sliding into the water until it covered all but her head. The pulsing eased slightly as the jolt of the cool water reached her skin through her fur. She ducked under the water briefly, shaking her head to sling water from her ears before forging to the other side of the stream and continuing along the border, feeling a bit better. She supposed she ought to explore further, find likely wolves to fill in the numbers of Celestial once she started it. Out of those she had, Tornach and Regulus were the strongest. Zuriel came in at a third. Surreal had made sure her healer daughter knew plenty of defensive and offensive fight to protect herself until Surreal or Regulus could get there. Falk was the most at risk in the family, and Baine was still at the phase where everyone was a friend.

They needed more strong wolves who could help defend, feed, and guard the pack, or hell, even now. She paused at a deer spore, lowering her head to take a long sniff. Hm. This deer smelled as though it were recently injured. And as she followed the track a little further, she found a few drops of blood. She’d have to keep note of this. Their last kill was nearly depleted. She and Regulus would have to bring down another soon.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think