
Our love is like a Crescent Moon



6 Years
Extra large
09-11-2015, 12:08 AM (This post was last modified: 09-11-2015, 12:08 AM by Glacier.)

A little after their parents betrayed glacier had felt himself sinking into despair, he was lethargic and didn't move around much well voltage gained in energy. His brothers emotions where strong if fleeting in its journey through all the feelings their parents left them with. He remembered how one evening during those days voltage had first snuck up behind him, before he had ended up half draped over glaciers huge shoulder to put himself in a position pull at the giants lips, a huge grin upon his own as he reminded glacier of the importance in smiling. It was the same as it had always been for the brothers, they balanced each other out. As glacier slowly grounded his brother, voltage brought him back to life. A little after that incident He had found a quartz in the shape of a Crescent moon. He had given it to Voltage, had told him it was the titan smile, and that he had found it again because of Voltage, and that Voltage should keep that stone as a reminder that Glacier would always smile so long as they where together, even if that smile was on the inside. But the boys had never called one place home and the stone had gotten lost somewhere along the way. As he stumbled across another quartz so similar in shape to the first, he couldn't help but let it bring him back to that moment and that reminder that the two of them where meant to spend the rest of their lives side by side. He could be slow, the titan, but he also knew when to seize the moment. He grabbed the stone with a swift swipe and turned decisively to the direction of voltages den. He was away in a moment, large paws swallowing the earth, taking him to his brothers side

Life had distanced them of late, they had their own mates and voltage children of his own line. The very impossible had happened, they had started to drift apart. Finding the stone, it didn't feel like a coincidence it felt right. He reached the lightning boys den and poked his head inside, and there he would find voltage. There was no sign of Gaia or the children and he marveled a little at the perfection of the timing. He didn't say a word as he slipped inside the den, placed himself at his brothers side and dropped the stone gently at his brothers paws, looked up at the grown man and saw only the boy the two had always been together. He grinned then and winked easily "try not to lose this smile, I might not find another" he teased softly, but his eyes where bright with remembrance and he wondered if the stone brought Voltage back to that moment as fully as it had Glacier.

"Burn Baby Burn"