
Dragon Slayer[MEETING]



7 Years
09-11-2015, 12:54 AM (This post was last modified: 09-11-2015, 12:55 AM by Surreal.)
Surreal Adravendi

She was chewing off the last of her meal of deer when the howl came from Sonticus’ borders. Arian sounded strong and self assured, which pleased the silver and black timber Adravendi immensely. She pulled herself to her paws, bent, and tore a large hunk of haunch from the kill she and Regulus had brought down. Situating the meat in her jaws, she gave a muffled bark to her family, welcoming Regulus to join her. As he was to be her heir, she wanted Sonticus to know him as well as herself for the times when their borders would run alongside one another. And answering woof from her son told her he would be following soon. He just wanted to get a rabbit to bring to the meeting.

Surreal followed the ravine out onto the well worn path, following the trail toward the territory Valhalla had once claimed; Wolfpaw Lake. Her strides were sure, fluid, and for the time being, her season wasn’t giving her much trouble. She was in a generally good mood today. As she reached Sonticus’ borders, she dropped the haunch long enough to announce her arrival, before taking up the haunch again and crossing into the territory, following the old path toward Arian’s call. As she arrived, first to the scene, she nodded to Arian, dropping the haunch in the open area where it could be seen as she made her way to greet her niece. “Arian. Time to see how everyone behaves. It’s good to hear you sounding so strong.” She dipped her head, then shifted to sit off at the edge of the area, out of the way, but in a position where she could easily see the entire area; she wasn’t a member of the pack, nor did she have intentions of joining Sonticus. She was an observer, there to see how well the pack respected her niece.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think