
Taking the Time [PACK MEETING]



10 Years
Dragon Mod
09-11-2015, 10:33 AM

She'd listen with mild interest, wondering what kind of speech the man had prepared for this very moment. Much of it to her disappointment was like teaching a child pretty much how to be a wolf, it was that easy. And it made her begin to think back on why he would even consider helping shape this poor excuse for a pack up, if their own leader would pretty much call them lazy and weak. Sad. Their family should have just up and left this lot, come back when their blood was spewed across their precious ship like the markings to her father's snowy coat.

After that 'lovely' announcement, the girl's ears perked up when he spoke of his family, to which she knew immediately that Sin was directing it towards his children. A warning was given to not fuck with them, lips tugging in a smirk while dark eyes glanced around the group. It would be most fun indeed for someone to tick her off, should she stay, ever since her first heat had passed Paradox had been itching for a good fight.

Right off the bat it was apparent that these wolves didn't like the new change brought upon them suddenly, blue eyes focusing on a very distinctively marked older woman, Avalon. She pouted about her rank, whatever it was, meaning nothing before storming off. Then another woman rose to speak, missing and eye and scarred up. Equally disappointed but had a feisty side, willing to fight her way out of here if she must. The very mention made the near sin mini-me scrape her claws over the metal beneath her, lips pulling in a toothy grin.

An older man spoke afterwards, rambling the same disappointment before voicing how he would treat their family like anyone else part of the pack. To this the girl would stand, allowing her claws to scrape loudly over the metal to catch his attention, holding her head high. "A warning to not piss us off, not to treat us as your superiors boy." She spoke simply, giving a slight raise of a brow on the boy part, despite him being well beyond her age. With that she would sit back down, tail neatly lain over her paws, sitting as if on an invisible throne. Silent, gaze locked on her father.

If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!