
It Is Written In The Sand



9 Years
09-11-2015, 12:24 PM

He hated sand.

Sand was that awful grainy substance no one had warned him about until now. It clung to his fur and even when he thought he'd shaken it loose there was always more to be found somewhere. He could feel it between his toes as it clung to his fur and when the hot winds blew it was sure to blow stinging granules right into his face. The sun was also remorseless as he traveled along the Palmetto Wash. If it weren't for the thick fur around his feet he was sure his paw pads would feel like they were on fire. Of course that wasn't even counting how it felt on his pelt. He was a creature of the north and certainly not built for hot climates. As soon as the night had wore away and the sun rose it didn't take him long to start panting and there wasn't any water in sight.

A sigh fluttered past his lips as he trotted along the wash. He'd resolved that he needed to probably travel inwards more to find water, but a few hours at least wasn't going to kill him. He could gripe and complain about it later when he was either out of the desert or had found an aqua source to enjoy. He wasn't going to waste energy which could be spent putting in some miles of walking. It was a forlorn looking place though. Teal eyes observed the area flitting from the sand colored stone hills to the pathetic trees that managed to somehow thrive here. Judging from the ground it seemed as though water had once rushed through certain areas, but no more. He grimaced at the ground not appreciating the territory he walked on before continuing.

He carried his fluffy head high to sniff out the waste ahead of him. Not that he was worried he'd come across any wolves or pack lands. This place seemed like a wasteland not fit to hold a pack and he couldn't smell any wolves nearby. He couldn't really blame them either. This place, to put it bluntly, was a dump. His resolve that he needed to get away from the place only increased as he came over a hill and down the other side. He still couldn't see anything else around him, so he decided to take a break, happily plopping himself under the sparse protection of one of the pitiful trees. It wasn't much but it was nice to rest his paws for a few minutes.

Walk, "Talk" Think

ooc: crappy post is crappy. I hate starting lol
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