
Special Snowflake


09-11-2015, 12:35 PM

So far he was only able to find that small sections of this area were shallow, but they weren't open enough to allow the kids to play safely under his supervision. And so he would move on, strolling along the bank, head held high while his green eyes continued scanning the lower bank for the perfect spot. As he walked though, something would catch his attention after a couple of minutes, striking color standing out against the earth. Head turned, instantly smiling as he thought Marina was coming over to join him, but then he would become confused at the site of a white pelted wolf with equally striking colors as her.

Spencer had to blink a few times, even shaking his head to make sure he wasn't just seeing things. But now, no matter how many times he blinked and shook his head, even rubbed his eyes, the wolf wouldn't change. The man was actually staring at a white wolf with a rainbow along its spine and striping the legs. What on earth was going on around here? "Excuse me!" He'd bark suddenly, pulling back a step but then moving forward, carefully leaping onto a large rock in the water. He'd wait for the man to notice him before going on, remaining on the rock.