
You Never Know Who You Might Bump Into



9 Years
09-11-2015, 01:53 PM

He'd finally managed to get all the sand out of his pelt.

No longer was he finding tiny granules lodged in places he'd long since cleaned. It was helpful now that he was out of the desert. He'd been there for who knows how long, he'd lost track, and when he finally saw the hint of green on the horizon he was beyond overjoyed. He definitely hadn't been lacking energy by the time he'd reached the edge of the Vericona plains. He briefly remembered that an old pack had resided here, Valhalla (or so he thought), but to his surprise no trace of it remained on the wind. Its borders seemed scentless save for the stench of loners, but they were of no concern to him. It was obvious some wolves hung around this area due to the fresher scents, but he'd avoid those. No use stepping on another wolf's toes when there was plenty of space.

It hadn't taken him long to sniff out the fresh scent of water. For once, since his desert trek, it wasn't a false river either. No evaporated puddle or dried up stream. No for once it was actual water he could swim in! It didn't take him long, a running leap, and he was in the water floundering around like a pup's first swim. A look of glee remained plastered on his face as he dove his head under the water fulling submerging himself before coming up again. After he felt clean, and fully hydrated, he exited the water and shook himself until he wasn't dripping wet. Much like Crusade, he looked like a walking poof-ball as his fur dried, but to his knowledge there was no one around so he felt safe.

That was until he caught the scent of a female.

He pushed his nose to the ground picking up the scent of a strangely familiar scent that triggered in his brain, but whomever it was he couldn't quite bring them to mind. She was also in heat, that much was quite noticeable, but he tried to ignore it chastising himself for being so... well male. Instead he tried to focus on the why the scent seemed so familiar. There was something off about it, perhaps because she smelled like loner, but it still felt like someone he should know so he decided to follow it.

He traveled at a quick trot hoping to overtake the female with a bit of speed. He was keen on finding out who it was. She seemed to be following a border, which was odd since there wasn't a pack here, but nonetheless he followed her. It wasn't long before the scent of an injured deer filtered through his scent glands as well. Was she hunting? She didn't seem to be hiding herself so that seemed out of the question. He pressed forward with his ears pricked forward and nose to the ground as he followed her scent. It wasn't long before a gray form caught his attention and he let out a soft woof to let her know he was there. At least he'd found his target! Now to find out if he knew her or not.

Walk, "Talk" Think

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[Image: LqRCxUq.png]