
Avoiding the Thought


04-11-2013, 06:50 AM
Cass began to notice more his posture, tail tucked tight against his belly as he continued to strangely circle her. The indecipherable noises he muttered were seeming a little less threatening to her, and she still stood, tail raising slightly, keeping eye contact and turning with him as he circled, so her back was never to him.

He repeated her name, followed by a snarl that made Cass's lips rise ever so slightly to bare her teeth. "I am Domovei, of the Lentajin pack... I am fine, I am alive..." he watched as he stared at the ground, seeming to become even more unsteady on his paws. "Though thirst overcomes me... I never knew I could feel so parched..." He growled angrily, though ostensibly not at her but in vexation.

Cassandra's initial sense of shock when this wolf had materialized out of the trees and started acting like a lunatic, circling her as if she was prey, was starting to subside. As was her nature, if not outright abused, she tended to get used to the strange or even negative qualities of anyone she met. The fem looked at him with a sympathetic expression, feeling more sorry for the strange wolf than anything.

At least, thanks to this wolf, her mind had found something else to focus on besides her loathed and yet missed mother. She had been traveling for a while now, after fleeing Carmen's den she had simply not stopped moving, having nothing and no one to stop for. She had mostly stuck to unclaimed lands, retreating when she smelled the markings of a territory boundary. She had not wanted to come into contact with any packs, feeling the need to be alone as she mourned the 'loss' of her abandoned mother. One thing she knew for sure, this wolf's pack didn't seem to make him very happy. She would probably try to avoid wherever it is that he came from.

Lifting her nose skyward for a moment, she took a deep breath, taking in all surrounding scents, before tucking her chin once again, concealing her throat. "There is a stream nearby, you know. I passed it on my way to... well, on my way here. Small one, but you can still smell it now if you try." She cocked her head to the side, trying to read his expression. "What horrid place have you come from, that you're so parched?"