


09-11-2015, 03:54 PM

She followed closely beside her brother but going no further than his shoulder since he was the one leading them to this cool spot with crystals. Blue eyes looked around in awe when they had reached a large hole in the wall, wondering what could have been strong enough to break the strong structure. Question for another time, the girl would keep the thoughts to herself for now, giggling when they came across the ice on the ground. Juniper would try to slide across as Riv continued forward, taking careful quick steps then using her momentum to slide smoothly. It felt kind of nice on her paws.

Finally they would arrive in the large chamber, the girl's eyes going wide in awe as she looked at the crystals full of colors and covering the place. “Wooooow.” Mouthing the word, Juniper sitting back and just taking in the beauty that had been hiding beneath their home this whole time without her knowing. Riv's voice brought her back, head turning, chuckling as he spun around her and called this place a secret hide-out. “It really is! And it's so pretty Riv!” She barked, tail sweeping over the ice in excitement.

But Riv would ask her something, speaking in the tongue their mother had taught them, though she wasn't as fluent in it just yet like him. The girl would shrug her shoulders, trailing her claws along the ice before looking back to her sibling. (1)”Hai... Sore wa taikutsuna, kowai ton'neru.” She felt kind of bad for saying it but it was the truth, being inside all the time was boring and sometimes it felt like the place was getting to her, like she could hear voices down the hallways but see or smell no one down them. ”What about you Riv?”

(1) yes... it boring, tunnels scary