
take my hand



7 Years

09-12-2015, 09:53 AM (This post was last modified: 09-14-2015, 10:47 AM by Evelyn.)

Bass watched as Lillie stepped forward and had a sniff along with him, an amazed chuckle leaving his lips at her reaction. They were rather strong smelling, and he knew that these were drinks that would be adult only. When the girl got excited about someone coming to train in their pack, his gaze shifted over to her for a moment. He would allow Kassander to inform her, and it would seem that Katja thought the same thing. His full attention shifted to the darker coated woman when she spoke of trades. Ah, so they were moved to the North. Bass was shamefully behind on politics, but understood her means. Prey up North was hard to come by, only better in the summer when the grass pushed up from under the snow. Starling had told him that different herbs grew in the colder regions as well, so it made sense that they needed others that grew in warmer climates as well. He paused a moment to think, interrupted only when Katja mentioned something called wine. He bent down to sniff at this jar as well, the liquid smelling similar to the overripe fruit that fell onto the earth. He couldn't help but lick his chops, that one interested him as well. Both drinks were lighter than the heavier brew, something that he didn't really need, as Abaven held very few ceremonies. "I would suspect that you would need more aid in prey in the winter, when all other packs are low. I couldn't imagine there is much prey when the land is coated in snow." he commented idly, yellow gaze shifting to Kass answered Lillie. He paused for a moment longer before giving Katja a full answer. "Herbs are not a problem in the East, even in the winter we still have plants that grow. Our winters are not as harsh as up north, and we have a bit more prey running. Would you come to us and hunt on our lands, or would we come to you?" It was a humorous thought, of his pack dragging a deer all the way up North. "For hunting I can only assume that your pack would come here and eat it here, instead of dragging it all that way. Herbs are a bit easier to carry, a ND we could come to you that way." he realized that he was answering his own questions, but Bass was just working everything out out loud.

After his speech to Katja, Bass turned to Kassander, an easy smile on his maw. "You are welcome to teach what you please, Kass. We have a few healers, and even less wolves who hold the rank of hunter. While the whole pack still aids in hunts, it's harder for one wolf to teach the young ones how to stalk prey and make a clean kill." Bass said humbly, welcoming the man into his home.
