
Bang One



2 Years
09-12-2015, 12:06 PM
Linkin Park - Homecoming

BIC:: The young brute found himself out exploring again. Surreal's conversation had convinced him to remain in the West for right now, simply because he was interested in the history that it held. This land belonged to her. It belonged to her family. They'd played for blood enough times to earn that much. Even an outsider like him could see that plan as day. He wanted to see all the different things this place had to offer, but for now, his curiosity held him here. Alacritis would have a dark undertone, it would seem. But, then again, how could he complain about such things. The history of his family had a dark undertone. He would simply adapt and overcome. As his kind always had. Not without some thrashing though, just look at all the chaos that ensued from them learning to cope with having souls put into them.

It was somewhat early in the morning. The sun had made it's way into the sky, soft yellow light filling the world, a gorgeous light blue sky overhead with a few dark clouds. A soft summer breeze flowed through, carrying with it the scent of rain. Perhaps they would be afforded a cool day of rest and relaxation. If they were, the brute would probably be running and playing in the mud, laughing and singing with pleasure. Surreal's heat had provoked him somewhat though. He'd not shown it in her presence, being a gentleman who knew how to restrain himself. But the notion had been put in his mind as to how fun it would be to have someone beside him to roll and dance and play with. Such was his nature, life was a short endevour and so Joy was how he planed to spend as much of it as he could. Some might call that childish, but again that could probably be contributed to his family history. The first generation having been entirely late bloomers. After all, they had started their lives with no souls. It was said that the Mlezi didn't breed until she was nearly seven, and that her mate had been almost nine. Times where different now though. The ability to live for two decades and some change long lost. The Binadamu and their black magic long forgotten.

Walking up to the stream, he would lower his head to lap at the water for a moment. The West was hot. It was a dry heat though so at least there was that. The thick jungles and forests he was used to made being sticky a common thing, something you got used to. He remembered well having to wash his paws every morning to get the night's crusted sweat from between his toes. It wasn't like that here, thankfully. But still, he took every chance he got to hydrate. After a moment of this, he settled onto his rump at the water's edge, tilting his head back and raising his snout high into the air, taking in a deep breath of air through his nose, savoring the crisp morning air. Filling first his gut, then his longs. Parting his maw, he exhaled through his maw slowly. He felt content here for some reason. Despite an apparent instability, this place was beautiful. It was rich and diverse. And that made him very well pleased.