
Fumitory Friends



3 Years
09-12-2015, 02:26 PM

Lyndvarr could feel excitement bubbling in his gut at the prospect of having a devoted healing instructor. He was going to study hard and impress his aunt and the other healers with what he'd learned. Lyndvarr nodded again as Starling spoke. "Really." He grinned, any knowledge gained from Starling would be useful to Yfir and even offering to improve the battle skills of fellow Alacritians would help bolster Yfir's fighting skills as well. One could not improve if ones opponents were always subpar. It was a win-win to be sure.

Soon they arrived at the patch of Earth Smoke and Lyndvarr took a deep breath of it, sniffing around the plant to take in the unique aspects of it's scent. Sometimes he found it difficult to tell herbs apart, especially if they weren't in flower. Lyndvarr chuckled. Urinary problems? Well, this wouldn't help for battlefield wounds but a wolf never knew when they might be afflicted with something. He stored the knowledge away as he examined the short plant. The deep almost blue-green sheen of the leaves gave the slight appearance of smoke rising from the ground in this particular light. He mused to himself if that was how the plant received its other name. Beautiful purple flowers adorned the plant as he wondered what parts were used.

Lyndvarr glanced at Starling, head tilting slightly to the side. It was an interesting philosophy to leave some to grow back. He'd have just taken the whole plant. Nodding he set his nose to the ground and began the search. "I can find plants faster by scent than sight."

Like a tracker Lyndvarr moved first one way and then another til he picked up on the scent he desired, quickly following it into a slight ditch where a decent patch was growing, the delicate vines tangling around each other. Lynd barked happily. "Found some! What parts of the plant are used? Are there any parts that are poisonous?"