
Blank Space



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
09-12-2015, 03:01 PM

The woman started and wheeled around to face him, her hackles rising instinctively. Valentine remained motionless as she regarded him. He meant her no harm and he was willing to prove it. Of course the first thing he noticed about her was just how pretty she was. It would be hard not to notice. She was perhaps a bit older than him, but not much so and still very much a vibrant creature.

The woman relaxed and then almost immediately became defensive again, the noticeable change stalling the King's assessment. Valentine's ears flicked. He'd done nothing to warrant that kind of reaction. Made no move, made no sound. So why? "You're from Imperium...on your way to spy on Sonticus again?" He couldn't help it. A booming laugh broke from his lips and his mouth briefly flashed wide in a smile. Valentine wrestled his mirth down and contained it to a simple, amused expression. "Nah," he said amicably, "I saw everything there was to see the first time around. No need for a second trip." Was that the truth? A lie? Today it was true. But tomorrow? Well, that was up in the air.

So this woman was from Sonticus. For some reason Valentine found that very disappointing. In looks alone this woman was wasted on such a place. If she was as talented as she was beautiful then her membership was not only wasted on Arian's pack, but a crying shame. How had Arian managed to ensnare such a woman? Had she cried to her like she'd come crying to Imperium? Broke out the tears, the woes, the desperate need for pity? How? He was dying to know.

Seating himself, Valentine regarded the woman with new eyes. Before he'd been curious about her well being, but now? Now he was just plain curious. Her boldness only heightened his interest. "What's you name?" he asked suddenly, his expression open and curious. "I'm Valentine."

"Talk" "You" Think

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.