
The Rhythm of the World


04-11-2013, 11:27 AM

Boy, things had certainly been easier before this Collision guy showed up and complicated things. While he was ever-certain of his charming abilities, he was not so certain that he could sway the girl to join Ludicael now that the Imperator himself stood at the ready, metaphorically opening his great iron gates for her to enter into his home and his family. How could anyone resist an offer such as that? But there was still the chance that she'd honor the fact that Marvel had been there first. She seemed to have been very intent upon learning about Ludicael, maybe she would take some time to decide and he could manage to bring her home? Of course, there was always the real possibility that Collision might try to forcibly claim her. He didn't expect this, but he knew that males could be possessive - heck, he was one of them! If Collision chose to try to take her, Marvel would have no choice but to back down. He was a healer, not a fighter, and would not stand up to an Imperator no matter how beautiful the dame was.

But it seemed that might not happen quite yet, as Collision stayed calm and collected. It was a pity, really, Marvel really wanted the man to stumble or do something to discount him from Balarine's choices. He would allow for the man to explain his home in fancy words and lyrics before Marvel interjected when he was through. He would not become a third wheel when he had indeed been there first. "Likewise Ludicael offers a society of wolves who function very much like a relaxed family. We are all there for each other when it's needed, but not overly so to the point of annoyance." He very much liked his choice of a home, and how no one seemed to be up his butt every five seconds about something. If he needed any one of them he could merely call and they would come, but they weren't on his back all the time. He appreciated that. Still, curiosity loomed in sterling eyes as he swung his vision to Collision, who had previously boasted of a seventy strong pack. Surely almost half of those numbers must have been female. Marvel was intrigued.
