
Let's hope I do this right...



6 Years
Extra large
09-13-2015, 02:56 PM

"...sound fair?" It sounded perfect, actually. Sirius nodded and then adopted a defensive stance. Her defenses came pretty easily although not without some thought. She still wasn't perfect. It felt kind of silly to fluff up in front of Mercy without the adrenaline and focus that came with a real fight, but she shoved that feeling aside and set her defenses anyway. The young Armada widened her stance so that her paws were spaced slightly wider than hip and shoulder width. She bent her knees and splayed her toes just like she'd been taught, and her tail rose to lay on the same plane as her spine. Siri also let her ears lay flat. However, she didn't lift her hackles or narrow her eyes or anything like that. Those felt unnecessary.

Staring at her mentor, Sirius hesitated. With the ball in her court, for reasons she couldn't place, she drew a blank. If she were faced with one of her siblings Siri knew without a shadow of a doubt that she wouldn't hesitate, so why exactly she was struggling now was lost on her. It felt kind of odd to be doing this with someone who wasn't Daegmar. Maybe that was it.

A bit annoyed with herself, Siri ground her teeth in frustration and then used that frustration to fuel an "attack". She charged forward, seeking to approach Mercy head on with the intention of "biting" the woman's neck. Jaws wide, Sirius hoped to grab a hold of the loose skin just beneath Mercy's lower jaw on her left side. Hopefully her upper teeth would find purchase beneath Mercy's left ear while her lower teeth would grip into the crook of Mercy's neck right where her jawbone met her throat. No harm was intended; she was merely giving the woman an attack to counter.