
Let's hope I do this right...

Mercy I


5 Years

09-14-2015, 01:27 PM

Mercy narrowed her eyes slightly as she watched her apprentice drop into a crouch, and she silently assessed her stance. It wasn't perfect, it was something that they could work on at a later date, but it was still quite good. Mercy adopted her own stance, coming a lot faster and easier than the younger girl. But that came with practice, and she could tell from Sirius' stance that she was as skilled as Mercy had thought. But now was not the time to linger on things on that, her legs bending slightly as her toes spread, digging into the earth. Her shoulders rolled forward, head and tail aligning with her spine as her chin tucked towards her throat. Ears pulled back, and her eyes she kept narrowed, focusing on the gray girl.

When Sirius paused to think, Mercy made no comment. It was strange to launch an attack without thinking that it was a spar, an actual fight where blood would be drawn. This was something very different, and she didn't mind allowing her time to think her attack over. Besides, it had been the Armada girl's choice to go over counters, perhaps she was trying to think of one that she had the most trouble with. But soon enough she saw the girl's muscles bunch, and Mercy prepared herself for the attack. Sirius ran at her head on, jaws parting and aimed for her neck. Quickly Mercy swung her hind end to her own left, bringing the two girls into more of a 't' shape than head on. And when her jaws parted, Mercy's own did the same, as she bent her head down and attempted to gently clamp her jaws along the top of Sirius' top jaw. Bottom jaw was aimed for the right side of her top muzzle, her top jaws aimed to the left side. The pale girl took care not to bite down too hard, it was a very sensitive area and she didn't want to cause her too much pain. Punctured lips were a very sore thing indeed. But with Mercy's attack, the younger girl would not be able to bite towards her neck, or even turn her head without doing more damage to herself. She waited to see if her counter landed, or if Sirius had devised her own counter to Mercy's counter attack. The goal was to keep from getting hurt at all, while trying to inflict more and more pain on their opponent. Of course, the girls were not aiming for drawn blood.

ooc ;// So Eve has problem with counter attacks too, I hope this is okay! xD


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.