
Time to welcome the devil's spawn


04-11-2013, 12:53 PM

It was time. After what seemed weeks with these infernal embroys growing in her belly, it was finally time for the she-devil to rid them from her body and bring them into the world. She had awoken this morning with pains in her side. At first she had merely thought they were muscle aches, since she had not been taking sufficient rest like a she-wolf expecting should. But as she had risen from her resting place, the pains increased, a pounding, almost stabbing pains at her withers. She had never seen another female give birth nor had she herself ever been in the position to give birth, so these pains were unfamiliar and unwelcome to the darkened female.

The place she had bedded down for the night did not seem adequate enough now for the she-wench to give birth. She did not want her birth to be something public. It was bad enough she had gotten herself knocked up because she had give in to her stupid body's desires; she didn't want all of alacritis to know that she had conceived the pups of some wandering womanizer. And so Destruction left her resting spot, heading to the soullest forest, a place she knew not many wolves dared to enter given it's harsh and unfriendly enviornment. It was the perfect place for her to come release the spawn she had carried inside of her for what seemed to be an eternity.

Limbs propelled the heavy, pregnant female through the dark forest, ivory, crimson ringed jewels flickering over the landscape, making sure that no other wolves were inhabiting the area. She wasn't sure what part of the forest she was in, but she didn't really care. Slow, deliberate steps were taken, gaze landing on a secluded spot, just barely visbible inside a knot of knarled roots, thorns adorning the brambles. It was the perfect spot. She could have the pups in there without the worry of someone trying to invade her space. And if they did, they would get a face full of turns as well as most likely get their throats ripped out by the angry mother. A birthing she-wolf was already a ticking time-bomb; trying to get near her while she was giving birth was just asking for a death wish. And especially from Destruction.

As she wiggled her way inside the little hole, the pains in her withers reached an all time high. A growl of frustration tore through her larynx as she settled herself down on the moist earth, contractions beginning to rip through her frame. Eyelids were screwed shut, jaws clamped tight as her contractions worked their way through her womb, pushing the product of the seed Bane had implanted in her. Three pups were the result, all tiny and vulnerable, covered in the plasma from the womb. There were all three males, two brown-ish, resembling Bane, both small and weak looking. The last one was large, the biggest of the trio and completely black like his mother, except for the rusty stripe that ran down his shoulders. He instantly began to cry out, wiggling around, trying to find a teat to suckle on and get a firm grip on life. The other two barely moved, their backs inflating and deflating the only sign that they were alive. Destruction would not breed weakness. Without a second though the devil of a woman snatched up the two newborns, severing their necks with a single bite. They went limp in her grasp, hanging uselessly from her powerful jaws. She rose slightly, using a forepaw to dig a shallow hole in the earth, dropping the lifeless bodies into before replacing the dirt over it. Once they weaklings were disposed of the woman returned to her spot, watching as her young look-alike steadily made it?s way to her belly, its tiny nose leading it to her teets, its mouth latching on as it began to suckle. Gaze moved away from the child and out to the forest, senses alert as she watched for anyone that would try to disrupt her relative peace.

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