
Make Me Strong


09-16-2015, 01:20 PM

The young man would breathe in, waiting. It wouldn't take too long for a pack member to approach, a man who was white and black with bicolored eyes. He would dip his head in return to the other male. "Yes, that's right. It's a pleasure -- the name is Hypnos by the way. I'm a Karl too, yeah, and thought it was about time to do something instead of lazing about the pack." He would dig his claws into the soil, narrowing his eyes. "Perfect! Thank you for answering the call. I hope I don't disappoint you." With that, the battle was to get started.

The young man would brace himself, muscles tense as he raised his tail behind him like a banner. Ears would pin flat to his skull, head aligning to his spine. Legs were widened, weight distributed across the four limbs. Toes were also spread, claws biting the soil harder now as he raised his hackles. Lips would pull back in a snarl, shoulders rolling forward as the boy sprang forward to attempt closing the distance between them.

Headlong he rushed, favoring his back right leg, the weaker one, the one that was deformed with more sensitive bones. Hypnos would seek to slam in between the male’s front legs, lowering his body to slip underneath the other’s chest and come out underneath him. Muzzle would twist to the right, hoping to bite down upon the sensitive underbelly of his opponent directly underneath his legs and slightly off to Harekr’s left {rather than dead center underneath him}. Finally he would swing his right foreleg towards Harekr’s left back ankle in hopes of tripping him up over his body.

Hypnos vs Harker for Spar
Round I / III
Default Times Extended To Five Days


Art by Tea