
bring fire to the world (ABAVEN PACK HUNT)

Motif I


4 Years
09-16-2015, 06:23 PM (This post was last modified: 09-16-2015, 06:25 PM by Motif I.)
Motif ushered Shaye towards the meeting, realizing that over the next few days she would be starting her own hunting lessons with Vail. It was far too early for the young girl to join in on a group hunt, she was blind, and had no experience hunting so much as mice without her mothers assistance, and she would not risk her little one in a hunt with large animals, as a pack hunt was always about. Shaye however had no excuse for not participating and the stern mother steered her in the right direction, letting her run off to find people to talk to once they arrived. Motif herself glanced over at Lillie and her became a mask, she didn't how she felt about the girl these days but she knew Motif for one was not forgiven. she moved near the young girl, her eyes compassionate as she said softly. "The first thing your mother did for Abaven was host a hunt" she told her gently, before moving on to give the unforgiving girl space. as she did so her eyes caught Starling and widened with surprise. ”My Star, are you back now?” she asked, delighted, she had been sad to see him go, but also proud of him. If he was back, would he be interested in continuing their lessons in finding his inner strength? She smiled at the memories of how that had gone so far, she was as proud of him as if he was her own.