
Waiting to Heal



4 Years
09-17-2015, 04:17 AM

It took her a swift moment to remember she hadn't been the only one injured as a result of the raid, and certainly wasn't the only one still suffering the effects of it. Well, suffering wasn't the most suitable word to use; she never liked being in a disadvantaged state, even if it was just a few wounds. Like Miksa, who had asked the exact query, she wondered how much longer her wounds would take to heal - if they would heal at all. Of course they would heal, they had to. While some were excited about receiving their first battle scars, the refined female dreaded such an impurity to be upon her alabaster fur. Worse off was her nose - she didn't even want to hear about that being permanently damaged.

However, she didn't allow the worry to plague her mind for very long, so her exterior features remained calm and casual as she answered his inquiry. "I hope it won't be much longer." Her words were spoken in such a way that inferred she was in a similar position like the male, trying to remain positive in a potentially stressful subject and hoping the optimism would rub onto him. She found it particularly polite of him to take interest in how she was feeling, which made her cheeks slightly blush. "Just like you, I guess." The young woman also didn't know the full extent of her fellow Chapter's injuries, having arrived towards the end of the healer's examine. "The bruising to my shoulder is gone, though I still feel pain in my neck and there are yet a few smells I can't pick up properly. But what about you?"

"Talk" "You" Think