
With your threads in mind



6 Years
09-17-2015, 09:57 AM (This post was last modified: 09-17-2015, 10:01 AM by Liar.)

Izzard & Blankts - Threads

He had given time for things to settle down. Seeing as he had spoken more with Arian, he delved deeper into the histories that was the walker family. He came to note he was not the only cursed child who had a rough childhood. On how his cousin had rose from the ashes, she truly was a gem that others didn't realize. Even with little faith she had in herself, from what he took of her children when given the right push anything could be pulled into place. Liar would find himself in the plains again. He sniffed the place out, his main goal was to search for that woman, Surreal.

Even if his apology hadn't been enough, he was a man of his own word. Perhaps talking was what was really needed, Liar knew actions could speak louder than words. His mind was a blank slate, his expressionless eyes looking out as he let out a simple bark. On the inside he could have still been seen as a boy, he was smart, and ever so damaged with the little ends of his brain always working with the demon that resided within his soul. Just because, he was on the darker side of things. People seemed to lose himself in the translation of it all.

Sitting down, he would scratch behind his left ear. The exotic male situating himself, with fur flat against his back. Intentions unknown, but still looking at if a rabbit had been caught into the snow. The cool summer air was coming in, and the clouds hanging above his head told him a storm very well be moving in. Even if it was only a few hours after the sun had rose. Liar himself had always been an early riser. To train his body, otherwise that ghost would still be haunting him behind his back.

This character can be very unpredictable and cruel, you have been warned.