
With your threads in mind



7 Years
09-17-2015, 03:33 PM
Surreal Adravendi

She padded slowly along her patrol route, noting scents and sounds, as well as sights. Running into Creed had helped to boost her mood a bit. She had missed her old friend, even if she hadn’t thought of him very often in years. It gave her hope that she might see the rest of those who were missing again. Her little Faite, who must not be so little anymore, and Castiel, who had been missing for a long time, as well. Maybe it would be Lyric next. A shake of her head brought her back to earth, and she paused to sniff at a clump of grass. A rabbit had passed by not to long ago. Perhaps a snack for the kids. Of course, with how big Tornach was getting, a rabbit was more like a nibble than a snack.

The wind turned briefly, long enough to bring an unwelcome scent to her nose, even before the bark. A growl bubbled in her chest as she turned and headed toward the direction the scent had come from. Was it arrogance that brought him back, or did he just not understand the meaning of ‘If I ever see you here again I will maim you’? She picked up to a trot, tail flicking to raise above her hips in a display of strength as she came into range of sight with Liar. Her voice was sharp as the edge of an ice shard as she spoke. “What are you doing here?” She would give him one chance to talk his way out of a beating. But she wouldn’t allow her guard to lower, paws settling squarely under her frame, hackles lifting slightly.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think