
say my name you know who i am



5 Years
09-17-2015, 08:38 PM (This post was last modified: 09-27-2015, 12:31 PM by Nagendra. Edit Reason: for marking the territory this is in, so I can keep track of his navigation shizz 8] )

He would be a great big liar if he said he didn’t spend a majority of the day preparing for this moment. He had spent the morning hunting about for a sufficient offering, finally having the luck to catch a plump rabbit some while later. He had gone to the streams in the willow grove and fretted over each curl in his fur, checked his teeth in his shivering reflection and then practiced his strut. He decided he looked good enough when he found himself smirking into the water a little longer than he ought to. A “hm” of satisfaction put an end at last to his primping and sent him on his way to Imperium with his gift and handsome self.

He wondered what Valentine would think. What was the worst that could happen? He didn’t think the other male would react violently… but then again, he supposed he hadn’t gotten to know him well enough to say for sure. He guessed that realistically, the worst that could happen would be that Valentine would be upset, and wouldn’t let him back again. What a tragedy that would be. He worried over the fact. He felt nervous, even – which was a strange feeling for the creature who so prided himself on being free of negative emotions. ”Ah, there are others,” he told himself, scolding nearly and smiling faintly in spite of his worry.

When Nagendra arrived outside of Imperium territory [Buffalo Knolls], the familiar sight of the gentle hills broadened his smile. He inhaled deeply, realizing then that he should have had an entirely different worry all along. What if Valentine wasn’t even there anymore?! The worry came only seconds before it was dispelled by the male’s remembered scent, although it was more of the fact that he hadn’t thought about the possibility that distressed him, rather than the actual thought. He inhaled once more – this time for the calming effect – and then set his rabbit on the ground and lifted his head to give a few modest but loud barks. Then he’d shift his weight and legs into a perfected, even stance and wait with the slightest of smiles on his face.