
God Wears Gucci [Meeting]



6 Years
Dragon Mod
09-17-2015, 10:38 PM (This post was last modified: 09-17-2015, 10:41 PM by Sin.)

He'd left the battlefield with a feeling of triumph, though he had to admit he was also disappointed that she hadn't fought back. He had turned his tail to the woman with no respect, for he would not respect a coward. If she had fought, that would have been better, but alas the show was denied to the crowd and he an actor left with a monologue. He had sent his children to collect their younger siblings along with Squirrel while he and Arietta made way towards their new pack lands. The West was where he initially wanted his pack to be, mostly on account that Sonticus and Yfir were in the North but it seemed that at the last second, Arian had decided to move her pack out to the west a little too close to where the man had thought about laying claim to. It irritated him to no end, but alas it would seem that he and Sonticus would be neighbors...for now. She seemed to like to irritate him and piss him off to no end, even though she had saved Arietta from potential death when his children were born, he still didn't like the fact they would be living so close. But no matter, perhaps she would get annoyed with his new pack enough that she would move again; further away from him.

Crossing into the desert lands, he walked with Arietta close at his side as they made their way through the sands, his members not far behind he hoped. Their base of operations would be the Oasis that lied secluded and surrounded by dunes and desert storms, hopefully discouraging rival packs and giving them no easy access to trespassing. The plains that lied on the other edge of the terrain would be their hunting grounds, a suitable place that promised good prey and water for when the wolves were too far from the oasis to reach their pool. As he strode past the palms, he gazed about with a smile of satisfaction, the Oasis was a location hidden away from prying eyes, palms surrounding them to provide shade and a clear pool of water which was a precious resource. It was large enough here to provide adequate room for the packs dens, and he would prefer that they chose to make their quarters here so they could be ready at a moments notice for whatever came at them. Leaping atop a fallen palm log that bridged across the water, he beckoned for Arietta to join him as he threw back his head to utter a powerful howl to the sky; calling together his pack for Hellstrom's first meeting.

OOC// First round posts Must be done by 9/25 or risk IC punishment.
