
do it I dare you



7 Years
09-18-2015, 02:12 PM

Back here again. Of course, he didn’t realize that he was here again – or that here was anywhere, for that matter. He had little sense of geography, and little recognition for landmarks or landscapes. He just didn’t care for it. He moved and migrated wherever with few thoughts or plans; never being a part of anything meant that there was no reason to stay somewhere for very long… Perhaps having no home was a melancholy thing, but he evaded the feeling with a right scarcity of thought entirely.

The scraggly creature scampered and skipped, flitting through tall grass and marveling at the lovely red stains! They were everywhere! He knew it was blood, and slavered at the thought. A few times he tried to lick at the barren patches in the ground where he could see the aged dark brown spots, but each time he recoiled dejectedly with no more than dirt on his tongue. ”Bleeeaahhhh,” a strangled and rotten syllable wrenched from his throat as he hung his jaw, his tongue rolling out, peppered with dirt. Dirt did not taste good. Not like oozing, oily blood. He snapped his jaw shut and went glassy-eyed for a moment, picturing red cascades pouring free from his mouth. His own, or someone else’s? That was a good question, he thought, rolling his tongue inside his mouth to idly scrape off (and inevitably eat down) the dirt he had seemed bothered by seconds ago. It didn’t really have an answer though!

Moments after a foul sounding snicker grated in the imp’s throat, a sound snapped him to attention. His right ear pricked tall, and his tattered left made an admirable attempt. His pupils shrank to pinpricks, and his tail lifted slightly as his angular body went rigid. Someone was calling! Someone wanted something, and he decided that he wanted something too. It had been a while since he had seen other wolves – played with other wolves! His body electrified with excitement and lurched forward with sharp motion, sending him tearing off in the direction of the noise.

He arrived looking even more of a mess than usual, which was only barely possible – a feat achieved by the frantic pace that had tousled his already disheveled and dirty fur a bit more. He skidded to a halt some yards before the supposed caller and leaned back a bit, his wide eyes and slackened, grinning jaws giving him a look of perfect… stupidity. He witnessed the stranger with growing excitement. ”Aaaah-ahhh!” he crooned in a childishly high tone. He shut his mouth, biting his lower lip gently and flicking his tail back and forth in a friendly manner. ”How big!” he exclaimed. This wolf was, as usual, larger than he was. He was used to it. The other seemed pretty young too, which was kind of icky. Although, if they were going to fight, he'd get to bite it lots anyways, which was nice. He licked his lips deviously and tilted his head to the side. ”It wants to plaaaay?” he questioned. Just to be sure.

And just in case (and partially in suspenseful anticipation), he would already begin to take up a defensive stance. He lowered his head and tucked his chin, folded his ears and narrowed his pale eyes. His legs were spread evenly and his knees bent a tad, his tail out for balance and his focus on the other wolf steady.

*Cesar's antics can quickly turn from innocent to hostile.