
Beneath her skin[PRIVATE]


04-11-2013, 06:08 PM


He trotted next to his new wife as they made their way toward the only pool of fresh water nearest to the pack. He wasn't necessarily exhausted or drained of all energy, but the heat was taking a tole on him as well. He really needed water. He looked at Newt... She was the only woman he had ever met that out sized him. It was so... odd. He had always towered over bitches, making it so easy and simple to get his way with em. But her.. she was so.. weird for lack of a better word. A big ball of confusion looking for a place in this world. Was he the same as she? Was he a lost void in this empty space, looking for that one connection that would keep him stable? Fuck no, he wasn't about to turn soft. That just wasn't him. He turned his head back forward, ears flicking on all directions as new sounds appeared here and there. Then his attention quickly snapped back to the bitch who had just bit him.

A small amount of pain surged to his side, blood dripping out of the minor wound. He instantly turned to her, teeth bared, jaws snapping. So, she wanted to play this game? Then he could play back. Sharp canines sunk into the flesh of her shoulder nearest to him as he bit down and ripped away. He was intending to inflict a little more damage than she had done to him, but only because she had lashed out for no reason. A deep growl bellowed from within the mans chest as he eyed her, waiting for an explanation. Here he was, actually giving a fuck about someone, and this is how he's repaid? No wonder females were only used for fucking. They were crazy! Then she gave it to him. Blood made her... remember? Damn, she really was a nutcase. "Trust me, you wont forget me. You want my blood to remember? Then you'll pay me with scars. That way when you see your reflection you'll never forget me." It was a understatement honestly, because he had no intentions of going any where any time soon. How could she forget someone who was constantly reminding her of who he was? Then she brought up her master. Zara... "That bitch doesn't own you, I do. Get that through your fucking head Newt." Newt might believe she was Zara's, but in his eyes, she belonged to him. It was a big disadvantage to him though, his wife thinking she belonged to some woman. If Zara told Newt to chase him off, would she? Or would she stick up for her newly claimed husband? He didn't know as of now. He surged forward, the scent of water enticing his senses. Then he saw it; a large body of water that glistened beautifully against the sunlight above them. He turned to look back at Newt who was hopefully trailing not too far behind. She needed the water more than he did... And he would make sure she got it.