
It's a dangerous world we live in

Rune I


5 Years
04-11-2013, 06:34 PM
Quote:He knew the moment that the butterfly flew off that he was caught, and sighed inwardly. Without something else to occupy his sister's attention, to give her a new target for her rambunctious behavior, sooner rather than later it would be turned on him. Her answer was not exactly surprising; loyal as each of them were to each other they were not the type to keep excessively close eyes on what they did, satisfied enough to know that somewhere the others wandered with plans of their own. He responded with a quiet and thoughtful, "Hm," to show he had heard, but gave it no more thought than that. If their brother wished to be found, he would make his presence known. He did tend to like an audience anyway.

A slow and subtle smile crawled across his face as his sister initiated their play, his tiny muscles bunching and tensing where he stood in preparation for her to make a move that was sure to follow her bark. She leaped and fell short, and bounded again, the momentum carrying her more forward than up, and he turned to allow her to collide harmlessly with his side, letting his balance go so that he could roll with her to the ground. Even as he toppled to his side, Maia landing over him, he pushed against her with his paws, tiny jaws parting with playful growls as he reached up and around in an attempt to get a tiny bit of her neck, her ear, a paw, whatever managed to get itself within his reach.

And suddenly his brother's voice resounded through the air, halting the pup's resistance so that he could lean his head back and stare upward as his darker colored sibling came flying through the air, clear intent written in his movements to draw his sister off of his brother. Hoping to take advantage of any distraction this might have caused Maia, Rune shoved against her again with his paws and tried to roll and shift his weight in order to hopefully get rid of any balance and purchase she had upon the ground to make it easier for Vixe to assist.

-- rune