
bring fire to the world (ABAVEN PACK HUNT)



7 Years

09-19-2015, 03:23 PM (This post was last modified: 09-19-2015, 03:24 PM by Lillianna.)
The girl would stand there quietly as members started to file in. Quelt was the first one, and she acknowledged his words with a single nod. bass was not far behind the man, and she would dip her head towards him in a respectful gesture, green eyes suddenly blazing to life. Nervousness made her paws dance for a moment, but when that third member appeared, a strange confidence settled over her and those paws would still. Those eyes would focus on Allen, who was focused on their alpha. Her eyes would turn from him, and a glazed look would come over them; Lillie was thinking of a plan, a plan to bring down a cow from one of the deer herds. However, she couldn't concentrate with the members filing in... a child of bass and Wren, one she had not met... and then Starling.

A genuine smile, sweet, soft would appear on her muzzle as the older boy appeared, and her tail would wag as her eyes met his. That sweet smile would morph into a sideways grin; she knew that look... and normally it would make her feel chagrined, but she knew what it was about and had a work around for it. "Not at all," she would answer, voice the opposite of what her face was saying. It was tender and compassionate, and it spoke to her joy that he had appeared.

She'd move her eyes from his form as a hyper bundle of... something would appear. Lillie would hesitantly returned the smile, and it would slowly become genuine.. until Vail was mentioned, of course. The smile would drop off her face, though she carefully kept her expression neutral. She nodded to the girl. "Thank you," she murmured, forcing the smile back on her face. She had to chuckle a bit at the gushing the girl did, and she'd nod. "I hope it turns out well."

She'd then turn her attention from the girl to the chocolate woman who was now entering. Anger flashed through her body, though she'd squish it down, merely nodding to the woman before turning away. This was a hunt, not personal. She would not show her anger, nor bitterness, towards anyone in the pack at all. Not at this time, anyways. Still, she could not help but feel the anger inside of her, especially when Motif approached. she said nothing to the woman when she spoke. That bitterness would rise as he spoke to star, and she'd tear her eyes from the pair just as a very familiar blue wolf nearly sent her backwards in surprise.  A sad smile; she could not regain that earlier joy from seeing Star at all, even though Shaye was as important to her as the boy. Her tail swung behind her nevertheless, and she would step forward to nuzzle the much larger girl in greeting. "It's good you are here," she murmured. A smile twitching at her jaws, she shook her head at the over eager girl. "You'll find out in a minute," she teased.

She'd stand there and wait a bit longer, eyes constantly searching for one to come. It would be silent for a long while, but just when she'd begin to explain her plan, a sneering man would appear. Jaws would clench at his words, but she would ignore it, merely staring down at the man - a rather difficult task considering she was several inches shorter. Aside from that, she would leave it be; Bass was there, and she knew he would take care of it. She'd only make the situation worse - and look terrible in front of the pack and Starling especially. She'd wait longer, and only when she was satisfied none more were coming did she speak.

“You all know why you are here,” she’d begin, shaking herself out as she then continued. “My idea for this hunt would be to split us up, in a way. The herds here are fat and strong, and quite fast - however, we are also fast, and we would be much faster than an elder cow, or one wounded. We would begin by searching for one as a group under those criteria, as a group; once found, it would be signaled which one. We would then split - the faster wolves, and then those with more strength than speed. The faster wolves will essentially herd the prey to the stronger wolves, who would be waiting ready. Right now, the groups I have are thus: for the wolves that chase, and perhaps do a little bit of nipping, Starling, Shaye, Sparrow, and Allen. Those who will be waiting will be Bass, Motif, blue guy, other Bass kid, and red guy. I will be with the wolves who are more focused on speed to even out the numbers and also prevent a certain healer from getting irate with me at irritating my wounds,” she finished, a grin on her maw at the last bit. Green eyes danced as she looked down at Starling, triumph in her gaze. It would last there a second before she’d sweep that green gaze over the rest of the group, excitement beginning to infect her.

“That is my idea. However, all of you likely have more experience than I do in this, and I’d like to ask your opinions as well. How could this plan be improved, in order to strengthen our chances? Have I place someone in a wrong area?” She was not ashamed of her inexperience, at all. She was nervous, to a degree, but this confidence, this excitement… it also made her think. All of the adult members would know more than her, and she would consult them: they were there for a reason, for numbers and also their knowledge. Just as she had no shame for her wounds; they existed, and she had to take care so they would not be hurt further.

DUE DATE: September 26th!

"Speech" "Italian"
Note: Lillie has scars over her right eye and down her cheek. She also has scars under her chin and on her jaw. Her tables and art will most likely not reflect this. Unless it is specified otherwise, assume Lillianna is accompanied by her companion.