
You Were My Conscience...


04-11-2013, 07:26 PM

Ocena stepped daintily closer to Gargoyle, ears pricking slightly as she glanced at the sharp tongued female. A new victim? No, one couldn't much further from a victim than the loving partner of the Chief of Glaciem. She had chosen the path that she followed, and the one that she trod at this male's side was one that she would have chosen again and again if she had been given another choice. This was the life that she wanted. It was a life at his side, after all.

Gargoyle rose to his paws, a slow movement that distracted her from her more sappy thoughts, and her multicolored gaze focused on the massive wolf before her. The look in his eyes was a familiar one, one that she had seen in the large wolf when she had found him in the forest with a strange female. But then the tiny pup spoke, his voice high and clear in the cool air, and a breath escaped Gargoyle, allowing him to return to normal. Almost in unison with his breath, Ocena exhaled slightly as well, relief washing through her small form as she turned and padded to stand beside Gargoyle, pressing her petite form against his.

When her serene gaze moved to focus on the mother before them, she spoke in the moments after Gargoyle's strong words had filled the air. "He speaks the truth. He is no monster. And as for me, I am far from a victim." Here, Ocena leaned a little against the male beside her, taking comfort in his presence and hoping he would as well.

When Gargoyle lowered himself to the ground, Ocena sat back on her haunches instead of laying like he had. The marbled female glanced at the two wolves before her, and then let her gaze flick back to Gargoyle, a hint of curiosity in her eyes. She could surmise the base of their story; Sperare had known him in the time before she had, when he had been the 'monster.' Or that was what he had called himself at least. But Ocena had trouble believing that he had been a monster when she looked at the gentle giant beside her.

But it made her wonder. His past was not a thing that he had been particularly open about, but it was something that she wanted to know more about. When he wanted to tell her, of course. But that didn't mean that she wasn't curious. And it didn't mean that she didn't want to offer both wolves support. It hurt her to see both of them upset, this female who was so protective of her child around Gargoyle, and Gargoyle, with the way that his shoulders almost seemed to droop, like the weight of the world was on them. She wanted to tell them both that it would be okay. She wanted to tell Gargoyle that he was far from a monster, and this female that her pup faced no threat from the two of them.

For the moment, however, it seemed wiser to stay quiet, though the words hesitated on the tip of her tongue, longing to be spoken.
