
We Can All Be Kings And Queens


09-20-2015, 12:37 PM

The young man had, as promised, come to be with Mystic for a while while her mother was ill. He wanted to be there for her, to support her. The young man knew, when he saw Nalyda, that she was dying. There was no doubt about the fact. But the young man couldn't deny that he felt horrible for her. To be in so much pain, yet, still struggling to make her family happy. That was the best that they all could do. Hypnos would breathe in, sitting a ways from the den he was sharing with Mystic. He was, for the time being, forgetting about Yfir. When he returned he was planning to get in a fight with one of the other members and, perhaps, prove his worth to Katja a bit.

But for now his concern was Mystic and her family. He would breathe in, glancing up towards the summer sky. It was a soft shade of blue, clouds floating by on the breeze. Things were peaceful here. There were no pack responsibilities, no threatening others or fighting them for supplies or land. He rather liked it here.

Glancing towards the den he shared with Mystic he would approach it, calling softly inside. "Mystic? Are you awake?"


Art by Tea