
Shyness taking over (joining?)


04-11-2013, 08:05 PM

"I will certainly explain them," the King switched his tail back and forth slowly, trying to contemplate the best way to break down the rules and guidelines of the Kingdom. There weren't that many rules, but each of them were very important and needed to be understood and - more importantly - followed. "First off, my word is above anyone else's. If I say something and someone else says different, you shall always listen to me. Second, always put the Kingdom and her subjects first. We are your home and family. Third, ranks are important, respect those higher than you and listen to their guidance. Fourth, if you take a mate, please inform me before you do so. I know this is a pain but it really does stop unnecessary confusion. If you get a woman pregnant, the pups are to be brought here, along with the girl if possible. Lastly, and know this.. punishments here are often physical in nature, you have been warned." Gerhardt hated to end on such a harsh note, but it was a reality that Coulter would have to understand. He feared he had not put enough emphasis on it with certain other members, and would not make that mistake with this man. "If there is nothing else, I shall take my leave. You are welcome to explore and get to know your pack members." With that, Gerhardt pivoted and moved further into his territory, moving off slowly in case Coulter had further questions.

Exit Gerhardt unless Coulter stops him.


Image by Ruelle.