
white wedding


04-11-2013, 08:13 PM

Thank you Lube ♥

Morning found the woman wide awake at the summit of Tortuga's mountainous domain rather than groggily pulling herself from a deep slumber as she expected most of Tortuga's beasts to be doing. Being the insomniac that she was, she was rarely able to catch a decent amount of shut-eye, but it still had its perks; she always managed to witness the sun's rising over the horizon and the beautiful array of hues that painted the sky because of it. Viewing the wondrous sight every morning was enough to bring some satisfaction out of a sleepless night, but she never had the opportunity to watch for very long, for the queen had her duties to attend to and her borders to patrol to ensure that everything was in the correct order and that no fool had stepped out of line and into their territory to wreak havoc upon the band of monstrous canines taking refuge within Tortuga's ranks. It was unorthodox in her mind to shy away from those duties that she had wholeheartedly accepted with her crown, and she somehow would have felt unworthy of her title if she skipped even a minute's worth of her tasks. Thus, she was up and about immediately after daybreak, cautiously writhing her way through the dangerous slopes of the mountain until she reached its base, eyeing the scene that greeted her there with mild interest.

Neither canine nor prey animal was in sight, but something did manage to pique her curiosity; it was not a sight, but rather a sound that triggered her apprehension, for it was aimed at none other than the wretched queen herself. Brows furrowed as she followed the summoning howl to what she expected to be its epicenter, going over a thousand scenarios within the sanctuary of her own mind because the voice had been foreign to her and the creature whom it belonged to was obviously within Tortuga's boundaries. Was it a tresspasser? If so, why did it desire her attention rather than attempt to avoid it? Her pace quickened with every thought, and she soon approached the creature who had called her and led her right into the area where Tortuga had been founded a second time.

Metallic eyes fell upon the familiar and sleek frame of Tortuga's beta, earning a bit of surprise from Morphine as she hadn't seen the bitch much since that day that Kaien had called on all of the pack, but her own visage failed to portray this slight shock. Curiously, she padded closer to the woman, her skull leveled with her spinal column in her typical warrior's stance, but her tail draped slightly above her rump to display her authority over the other woman. As she neared Viridiana, she could not help but notice the elegance of the canine before her and the beauty that accompanied her feminine features she had not noticed before as a twinge of jealousy arose within her, for Morphine had always depicted herself as attractive, but this woman obviously had looks on her side. A smirk drew upon her own visage as she halted a few meters away from the other, nodding a greeting briefly to the other as she simultaneously lifted her skull to meet the other as best as she could when she dwarfed the other by a few inches.

Viridiana, is it? My, my, my.. What's the occasion? Her tone retained its usual sarcasm, but she remained unreadable beyond the infamous smirk plastered to her countenance. It was an honest question, however mocking it was, for she hadn't spotted the girl in quite some time. Her ears flickered forward in pursuit of the other's response, feeling she deserved a bit of an explanation as to why she had been called out.
